Are you tired, full, overcommitted in your life?
Are you consuming too much screen time or mindlessly eating? And not finding yourself satisfied?
Your days aren’t quite fulfilling - for yourself, and for your relationship if you’re in one?
Does your body feel more like something you’re dragging or pushing through the day than something you’re enjoying?
Does “taking care of your body” sound more like work than fun?
Are you hungry for something more?
Yearning for more aliveness, more energy and enjoyment in your days? More of a turned on experience - both in your body and in your life?
So I began. Landing. Into her. Into my deep feminine aliveness. She was there, in my tired body that I had been dragging around.
It took time, and I had no idea how much it would open for me.
Years of teaching thousands of people, training and coaching hundreds of leaders, bringing people to their edges, and this was a whole new edge. An edge of surrender and listening. I had never encountered this.
What it unlocked was revolutionary, for me. And for my relationships.
I went deep into this sensually embodied practice - for years. And naturally integrated what I learned over decades of embodiment studying and teaching. Bringing in the truth of deep wisdom traditions with this sensual invitation. I found more and more.
For years I did this only for myself. It feels so sacred, I only wanted to be in it, to let it flavor my life. It quickly became my favorite practice.
But women would ask me, how do you get to this place in your dance? How do you do this? How do I find what you are embodying in your movement?
Join me for a six week journey - come home to your sensual body
Starting April 10th | Six LIVE (recorded) 1-hour weekly practices on Wednesday mornings | 5-10 minute daily practice | Bonus weekly content videos to weave into your sensually inspired life | $650 investment (Early Bird registration - $450 before April 1)
Here are a few things people have said about working with me...
You might be thinking you don’t have time. It’s one hour a week, and a short optional video you can listen to on the go, and 5 minutes of practice a day. Are you willing to invest this into your sensually enlivened self?
If you feel ready to commit to this short daily practice and one hour a week, you can see real, lasting change in your life.
I know that people aren’t always great about actually doing programs once they sign up, so I’ve created a WhatsApp group to hold each other accountable. We can share, we can laugh at ourselves as we find our way, we can celebrate ourselves and each other. We can ask questions. We can do it together. In an extraordinary community of women.

Valkyrie, under another name, spent the last 25 years teaching embodiment practices around the world. Deeply trained in yoga, meditation and chi gong from some of the most renowned teachers globally, she developed a following and had the honor and privilege of instructing thousands of students. Beyond embodiment, Valkyrie is a mom, a coach and a tech executive.
She prefers to embody this sensually embodied aspect of her work behind a mask, publicly, because the nature of this work is deeply sacred and feminine. In her body, it calls for a bit of space.
Over the last 10 years, Valkyrie became a practitioner and then trained teacher in the Sensually Embodied lineage. She embraces this lineage and weaves it together with some of the most powerful wisdom teachings she found in Buddhism, Qi Gong, eco psychology and Tantra Yoga, into Sensual Embodied Movement.